375 E 1st Ave

Lot P

The project is located in the Mount Pleasant Creative District, near the Great Northern Way-Emily Carr SkyTrain station and the Great Northern Way Campus shared by UBC, SFU, BCIT, and Emily Carr University of Art + Design. This emerging district is ideal for transit-oriented mixed-use development, including housing, workspace, retail, and public space.

The redevelopment, in consultation with Host Nations, contributes to the “Cultural Ribbon” concept proposed in the Broadway Plan, showcasing Coast Salish peoples’ history and culture. The proposed development integrates active ground-level retail commercial use, a podium containing office workspace and an amenity rooftop, four residential towers of mixed tenure including hotel, secured market rental, below-market rental, and strata live-work dwellings with below grade vehicle and bicycle parking.

375 E 1st Ave
1,200,000 sf
Completion Status
Onni Group
Our Role